The blog

This blog has been conceived to share the main findings of my work on the impacts of climate change on dam safety and on how to manage them.
The main core of the blog corresponds to the papers published during my doctorate as well as my PhD thesis, Adaptation strategies of dam safety management to new climate change scenarios informed by risk indicators, directed by Dr. Ignacio Escuder-Bueno and defended in 2020 at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV).

My name is Javier Fluixa-Sanmartin. I am a Civil Engineer graduated from the Polytechnic University of Valencia in 2009 with over 10 years of experience in hydrology and hydraulic modeling, dam risk management and flood forecasting. I hold a PhD in Hydraulic and Environment Engineering focusing on adaptation strategies of dam safety to climate change.
I have collaborated for 4 years with the Hydraulic and Environmental Department of the UPV where I helped develop a dam risk analysis tool and applied it to numerous dams in Spain.
I worked from 2014 to 2022 at the Research Center on Alpine Environment (CREALP) in Switzerland, as a hydrology and hydraulic specialist working on the implementation of flood forecasting systems, the development of analysis tools, and disaster risk reduction projects.
I current work at HYDRO Exploitation as a dam safety engineer where I carry out tasks of dam monitoring and operation and I am in charge of the safety reviews of the hydraulic infrastructures.
Check my complete Curriculum Vitae.